
Showing posts from October, 2018


A. TWISTED-PAIR CABLE   Is the common type of cable. It have eight individual copper wires bundled together and covered with an insulating material. The copper wire is always color-coded with a plastic insulation and they are twisted in pairs for a total of four pairs. a.  SHIELDED TWISTED PAIR (STP)                 Often used in "noisy" environments where a shield of metallic foil is wrapped around each of the wire pairs, with an additional overall shielding to protect against excessive electromagnetic interference. b. UN SHIELDED TWISTED PAIR (UTP)     It is the most common form of twisted pair wiring. It is less expensive and easier to work with than STP. B. COAXIAL CABLE It is the standard media used by cable TV operators. It consists of a plastic insulator that separates the solid copper inner conductor and the woven copper braid outer conductor. C. FIBER- OPTIC CABL...


WHAT ARE THE TYPES OF NETWORK TOPOLOGY LINEAR BUS TOPOLOGY        It uses one long cable, referred to as a backbone, to which computers and other devices are attached. A terminator is placed at each end of the backbone to keep the signals from bouncing back and being received again by the nodes in the network.   STAR TOPOLOGY           It uses a central device called a hub with cables extending in all directions. Each networked device is connected directly to the hub. Data from a computer passes through the hub or switch before it can reach the other target node. RING TOPOLOGY It is a type of network topology wherein nodes are connected to each other forming one contiguous pathway in a ring formation. In other words, data need to travel from one node to the next, with each one receiving data traffic and passing it along to the next until it reaches its final destination. MESH ...